The Mystical Freeborn
by marilynn hughes
The Mystical Freeborn, By Marilynn Hughes - This book follows ‘The Mystical Captive’ in the second of three volumes to lay out a comprehensive Mystical Theology based on the out of body travel experiences and studies of Marilynn Hughes. With the simple premise that a soul which has been freely born of God after its captivity into sin will undergo a series of expected and vital processes in its journey to ever widening union with God, ‘The Mystical Freeborn’ takes the seeker to the primordial Garden of Eden through out-of-body travel wherein the nature of eternal love is made manifest. Beyond this, the freeborn must bring that original eternity into a fallen world.
Being freeborn insinuates to some extent that obedience to God has become an attractive choice. Prepare then, to enter deeply now beyond the bridal chamber of the Lord . An Out-of-Body Travel Book
Being freeborn insinuates to some extent that obedience to God has become an attractive choice. Prepare then, to enter deeply now beyond the bridal chamber of the Lord . An Out-of-Body Travel Book